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Seventh Young
Researchers Days in Logic, Philosophy and History of Science |
When &
YRD7 is an online event held on 23 and 24 September 2021.
Aims and scope:
For almost one decade and a half, two Belgian scientific societies seeking to promote research in History of Science, Philosophy of Science and Logic, namely the National Committee for Logics,
History and Philosophy of Science (NCLHPhS) and the Belgian Society for Logic and
Philosophy of Science (BSLPS) have co-organized biennial Young Researchers Days. Through open call proposals,
we typically invite about 20 young researchers in these three fields to present their work and engage in communal question rounds. As usual, the YRD will provide an ideal opportunity for young
researchers, i.e. PhD students and postdocs, working in the fields of Logic, Philosophy of Science and History of Science at Belgian Universities to present their work to a larger community of
emerging and established scholars in these fields. Young researchers outside of Belgium are invited to submit, but priority will be given to Belgian young researchers.
On the programme:
Papers will be accepted in English, Dutch, and French. However, the lingua franca of YRD7 is English, and applicants are strongly encouraged to present papers in this language.
Paper presentations should 20 minutes in length. Each presentation will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Click HERE for a full SCHEDULE including abstracts (pdf, version 7 Sep 2021). Call for papers:
Abstracts of approximately 300 words should be sent to yrd7@bslps.be.
Your name, e-mail address, and affiliation should be on the first page and the actual abstract should be on the second page.
Your abstract should be anonymised. Deadline: 9 August 2021. Decisions will be communicated at the end of August.
Invited speakers:
Our confirmed keynote speakers (as usual, a logician, a philosopher of science, and a historian of science) are: Gillian Russell (Australian Catholic University), Hanne Andersen (University of Copenhagen), and Sara Miglietti (The Warburg Institute). Organizing Committee:
Kenneth Bertrams (ULB), Steffen Ducheyne (VUB), Alexandre Guay (UCL), Bertrand Hespel (UNamur), Bruno Leclercq (ULg), Bert Leuridan (UAntwerpen), Steven Vanden Broecke (UGent),
Maarten Van Dyck (UGent), Bart Van Kerkhove (VUB), Geert Vanpaemel (KULeuven), Peter Verdée (UCL).